自主創(chuàng )新產(chǎn)品,引領(lǐng)國內外實(shí)心輪胎發(fā)展趨勢。相對于傳統實(shí)心輪胎,具有安裝快捷簡(jiǎn)便、輪胎自重小、減震性好、散熱快、減少了對車(chē)軸的沖擊負荷,提高了車(chē)速;相對于傳統充氣輪胎,具有耐穿刺、免維護、使用壽命長(cháng)等優(yōu)點(diǎn)。
The wheel baseband is made according to the fitting specifications of the vehicles'pivot bracket.And the thickness and the structure can be adjusted based on the tire loading.After treating to the basebands,curing reasonable rubber around the baseband surface to guarrantee the loading of tires and other usage performance.
腹板粘結式實(shí)心輪胎 Solid Tires With Rims